Additional Dead Loads


The following table lists SpanMan's default additional dead loads. These can be viewed in the CRITERIA popups and modified for your design.Additional Dead Loads are applied to non domestic construction to take account for irregularly positioned dead loads in addition to the general floor mass e.g. partitions, services.

Member Use Additional Dead Load (kPa)
Apartment bedroom 0
Area for equipment 1
Areas for equipment 1
Assembly area (Institutional) with fixed seats or tables e.g. classrooms, lecture theatres 1
Assembly area with physical activities or overcrowding e.g. bars, public lounges 1
Assembly areas (public) with fixed seats or tables 1
Balcony 0
Bedrooms or wards 1
Boiler room 0
Car park for vehicles above 2.5 tonnes 0.5
Car park for vehicles less than 2.5 tonnes 0.5
Carport 0
Communal assembly with fixed seating 1
Communal assembly without fixed seating 1
Dining rooms or cafeterias 1
Dressing room 1
Drill Room or drill hall 1
File room 1
General eg living rooms, bedrooms, corridors, kitchen, toilets, study, rumpus 0
House balcony 1m or less above ground 0
House balcony other 0
Industrial factory floor or workshop 1
Kitchen (communal) 1
Kitchen (private) 1
Laboratory 1
Laundry (communal) 1
Laundry (private) 1
Library reading area 1
Library stacking areas up to 3 meter ceiling 1
Mobile filing 1
Motor room or fan room 1
Motor room or fan room 1
Normal roof 0
Nothing 0
Office 1
Operating theatre 1
Outdoor deck 0
Pergola 0
Printing plant or type storage 1
Public corridor or hallway without wheeled vehicles 1
Public corridors including wheeled vehicles less than 300kg in weight 1
Repair workshop 1
Retail sales area 1
Stage 1
Storage (cold) 1
Storage (general storage and warehousing up to 3 meter ceiling) 1
Storage (stationery and packed book storage upto 3 meter ceiling) 1
Street awnings accessible from adjacent windows, roof or balconies 0
Street awnings accessible only from ground level 0
Toilet or bathrooms 1
Utility room 1
Vaults or strong rooms 1
Verandah member supporting sheeting 0
Workrooms (light) 1